Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The contracts are signed. Now the paperwork dance for the visa begins. I've been through this before when I went to Japan to teach and study. I wonder if it's changed?

On the home front we move closer to being ready to go every day. I sold my comic collection yesterday. I kept a few trade paperbacks and limited hardcovers, but everything else went, including statues and some of my original art. Right now getting enough cash together to set up house properly is my biggest concern. It's enough that I'm moving my family to he other side of the planet. I at least want them to be comfortable there.

Next is the piano. It's only a year and a half old and is really beautiful, but we may not be able to get as much for it as I had thought originally. Hopefully we can make up for it with some collectable items I had forgotten about.

Everyone is getting pretty excited. Tomo especially is looking forward to living in the city again. She's a city girl born and raised and living out here in the burbs wouldn't have been her first choice although she likes the schools and all our friends. She just loves being in the thick of things in the city. I think she's going to get her wish.

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