Thursday, October 8, 2009

And they're off!

Last night I got the visa packet delivered via email. I got it filled out and sent back last night along with a good bit the of the supporting documents. I just scanned them in and sent them in a couple of emails to keep the file size from getting too big. This sure is a lot easier that when I went to Japan in 1986 or even when Tomoko came back to the states with me in '91. That was a lot of sending stuff back and forth and chasing down documents which took forever to get processed or delivered. I like this way better. I've only got a couple of letters of recommendation to go and then the dreaded physical examinations. Those are scheduled for next Wednesday. I've done that before too and there's not much to it. The doctor pokes you a bit, takes a blood sample and an x-ray and that's about it. Unless there are unforeseen complications we'll be in australia by the end of November.

In other news Paul is coming by tomorrow to pick up the comic collection. I'll tell ya, selling my funny books has made this all very real in a way it wasn't before. I know, I'm an adult, sort of, but I like comics and graphic novels. Parring the collection down to a size I can reasonable put into storage was a little painful. Ah well, it's in a good cause and maybe will finally break me of my collecting impulse.

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