Monday, October 5, 2009

The Adventure Begins

We're moving to Sydney Australia. That's what we'll be talking about here. I got a job offer from a studio in Sydney on September 29th and accepted it on October 1st. Now the mad scramble begins.

Let me introduce the family. I'm Kenn. I work in the animation and VFX business. I've been looking for the right job for about 4 months. This one seems like the perfect fit. My wife is Tomo. She was born in Japan but is a naturalized US citizen now. Alex is my son. He's 14 and started high school in August. Zoe is 12 and started Jr high in august.

My contract is for 3 years so we have decided to rent out our house and sell most of our belongings. We want to store only our most important personal items and take only the most important ones with us to Australia.

I've already sold my '67 VW bug. I listed it on Craig's list and got rid of it the next day. I've been planning for about 5 years to restore it and give it to Alex when he starts to drive. but never had the time or energy. Tomo is thrilled. She's been after me to get rid of it for a while now. If fact we are really simplifying our lives here. I have a pretty extensive comic collection that I am going to sell. The owner of my regular comic shop is coming by tomorrow to look over the collection. I've known him for 17 or 18 years so I trust him to do right by me. I'll get what I can for the books and move on. I got my reading enjoyment out of them. I have a bit of a collecting jones. it's time to break the habit and this is the perfect opportunity.

Our only regret with the move is that we did a major remodel of the kitchen and really the entire downstairs about a year ago. We love it and we've only had a year to enjoy it. Fortunately, the rent will cover all or most of our monthly expenses of running the house while we are gone so we're not losing by it. It's just sad to be leaving it so soon after we had the work done and suffered through the remodel. Ah well. That's the way it goes.

That's it for now. I'm going to try to get other family members to blog here as we chronicle the move and our adventures in Australia.

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